Category: Beginner affiliate marketer
I’m Afraid to Post on TikTok, But…
If you’re feeling fear, you need help. If you’re feeling angry, it’s very likely because you’re feeling fear manifesting as anger. That’s a common thing. Something challenges our physical or emotional security; some people get sad and quit, and others get mad and want to argue and fight. That’s what I usually do (argue, not…
Using TikTok for Affiliate Marketing?
Why would anyone want to use TikTok for affiliate marketing, and why should you consider it (assuming you’re interested in affiliate marketing, if not why would you be reading this?). Maybe you’re shy and aren’t so sure about making videos, or TikTok scares you. It scares me. I like making videos, I’m not afraid of…
All You Need to Do as an Affiliate Marketer
All anyone doing online marketing needs to do is these 4 things – that’s all, there’s really nothing else to it. Hold on, nothing else – what does that mean? Let’s get into it The 4 things all online marketers (including affiliate marketers) need to do are what Dean Holland calls the Four Core Areas…