Starting a business, becoming your own boss, or even just trying to get a “side hustle” off the ground can be frightening. It is for me, and I’ve done it a couple times – with some success and some failure.
But I don’t think it’s a fear of failure that holds most of us back. And I certainly don’t think it’s a fear of success – no matter how many gurus say it.
While having the right knowledge and tools is crucial, there’s often one huge barrier that most people struggle to overcome: the fear of looking stupid.
I’ve made some dumb decisions in my life. One such decision led to my future in-laws deciding I was not the man to marry their daughter – so they got us to indefinitely postpone our marriage one month before it was supposed to happen, and that was pretty much the end of that.
This was just after I graduated college. I was desperate to find a job that I could one day possibly financially take care of my future wife – who came from a very wealthy family. At the time she was an open-wheel race car driver (which is expensive). She had sponsorship, but her dad was still footing the bill for a lot of her expenses.
He told me it was my responsibility to pay for these expenses, but he knew I could not. My ego was hurt – I needed to get rich, and quick. That doesn’t usually lead to good decisions.
My plans all came crumbling down. I had to figure out what I was going to do now – I moved back in with my parents. I didn’t even know what I wanted to pursue as a career anymore, my confidence was crushed.
I felt pretty stupid – and I never wanted to feel that way again.
But instead of dwelling on past failures, my focus needed to shift. I needed to understand the fear holding me back from pursuing my dreams.
The fear of being perceived as foolish, fear of embarrassment, fear of experiencing yet another setback can be paralyzing. It’s this fear that often keeps individuals from taking the leap into entrepreneurship or pursuing new opportunities.
It’s this fear that can keep us from making the MISTAKES WE MUST MAKE to succeed. Because no one starts as an expert – everyone has to learn, and we must be willing to admit we don’t know in order to learn. We must be willing to practice to get better.
Now it is essential to distinguish between legitimate concerns and irrational fears.
- There are scammers who want to take advantage of you. There are “opportunities” that are garbage scams.
- It’s not irrational to be aware of the potential of people trying to take advantage of us. Some things are too good to be true.
- But scammers exist in every industry; allowing our fear to dictate our actions can hinder progress. The key lies in discerning genuine opportunities from deceptive schemes.
- People who get scammed are usually looking for something quick and easy. They aren’t usually looking for something that requires effort, and the willingness to learn and practice new skills.
Most people who are going to look down their noses at us, thinking we’re stupid for trying whatever it is we are trying, aren’t smarter than us. Most of them are just afraid to try something themselves – because they don’t want to be judged in the same way they are judging us.
No matter the business type, no matter the product, success stems from commitment, hard work, and resilience in the face of doubt and criticism.
Perseverance pays off. Whether it’s affiliate marketing, e-commerce, starting a restaurant, or any other venture, the principles of focus and dedication remain constant.
The fear of failure is a common obstacle on the path to becoming our own boss. However, by confronting this fear and adopting a mindset of resilience and focus, we can get over setbacks and realize our goals. The journey to success may be challenging, but with the right guidance and determination, it’s entirely attainable.
Dive a little deeper into this concept and watch this video I’ve made. Whether you’re a budding entrepreneur, a seasoned marketer, or simply seeking inspiration to overcome obstacles, this video offers valuable insights into overcoming self-doubt, navigating the complexities of online business, and embracing the journey toward success with resilience and determination.
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